Tag: healthy

health tips - marissa elman

5 Health Tips That Might Surprise You

There are dozens of ways for a person to improve his or her health. While some of these are obvious, others are more surprising.


#1) Lose Weight By Eating More

It may sound counterproductive, but eating more frequently can actually encourage weight loss. Fasting for long periods between meals causes a person’s blood sugar and metabolism to drop, resulting in weight gain. Eating frequently, on the other hand, has the opposite effect by balancing a regulating blood sugar and metabolism.


#2) Chew Gum to Curb Hunger

In addition to fighting bad breath and promoting a healthy smile, chewing gum can curb hunger cravings. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Rhode Island, participants who chewed gum consumed nearly 70 calories less for lunch than the control group. Chewing gum activates salivary glands and tricks the brain into thinking it’s full.


#3) Drink Vinegar to Treat Acid Reflux

Affecting up to 20 percent of the population, acid reflux is a widespread, chronic medical condition that’s characterized by stomach acid rising up into the esophagus. A simple DIY remedy, however, is vinegar. Drinking 1 or 2 tablespoons of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar mixed in a cup of water can eliminate acid reflux. Vinegar’s acidic properties allow it to balance the stomach’s pH levels and protect against acid reflux.


#4) Eat More Fat to Protect Against Heart Disease

More than 610,000 Americans die from heart disease each year, but high-fat diet can lower a person’s risk. The secret is to choose the right type of fat. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats clean plaque from the arteries while keeping cholesterol levels in check. Available in fish, nuts, and soy, these healthy fats can lower the risk of heart disease.


#5) Don’t Drink Diet Soda

People who are looking to lose weight should avoid drinking diet soda. Although it typically doesn’t contain any calories, diet soda still contributes to weight gain. One study found that diet drinks trigger both weight gain and diabetes. While the reason behind this phenomenon is open to debate, some experts believe that artificial sweetener is processed by the body the same way as sugar.


These are just a few surprising health tips. Men and women who are looking to improve their health should also perform a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises for maximum benefit.

Is Kombucha Really Healthy For You?


You’ve probably seen the bottles of Kombucha in the grocery store, and if you’ve never had the chance to try it there are health benefits associated with drinking Kombucha. It has actually been made for thousands of years in asian countries but only recently became a popular drink in the United States. The fizzy drink is comprised of black tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast that has had time to ferment and naturally produce various enzymes, probiotics, and vitamins. The bacteria and yeast in the drink is typically called SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), which allows the fermentation process to occur. Kombucha is currently available in many grocery stores and cafes because of the list of health benefits that are said to come from the drink.


Increases energy

Most people need a boost in the morning or early afternoon, and since kombucha is made with black tea, there are already going to be traces of caffeine in the drink. When the tea ferments, iron is created which helps give those with low iron an additional boost of energy.


Strengthens immune system

After the kombucha ferments it contains many antioxidants that fight free radicals that are in the body. Free radicals are known to cause cell damage and may even lead to cancer because they are such unstable molecules. Black tea is already known to have polyphenols naturally, but after it has been fermented, the kombucha has much more. Polyphenols fight cancer cells, decrease chances of getting diabetes, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.


Improves digestion

Because kombucha has such high levels of probiotics and enzymes, drinking it can help improve digestive issues. The antioxidants that help boost the immune system do the same thing for the digestive system and help alleviate issues. It is also believed that drinking kombucha everyday can help heal leaky gut and increase the good bacteria count in your digestive system.


Fights cancer

Kombucha naturally contains glucaric acid after the fermentation process has taken place. Preliminary studies have shown that ingesting glucaric acid can actually help the body fight the cancer or prevent cancer from forming in the body. The amount of this acid that is present in the kombucha will vary depending on how long the tea has been fermenting and the amount of sugar used.


Helps weight loss

It is believed that kombucha may actually help you lose weight because it may increase your metabolism. Like apple cider vinegar, kombucha contains acetic acid, which many believe leads to weight loss.


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