Tag: marissa elman

Extreme Fad Diets You Should Never Try


Most people who have tried to lose weight have attempted a fad diet or two. These diets typically force you to eat certain foods for a specific length of time, normally a week or so, in hopes that you will see a significant drop in your weight. While these diets may seem harmless, they can actually do more harm than good, and you’re likely to put all of the weight back on that you lost once you return to your normal diet. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so the following fad diets should be avoided at all costs.


The Tapeworm Diet

This diet was made popular in the 1950’s, and it involved the dieter swallowing actual tapeworms. The premise behind it was that the tapeworm would consume the calories and the person’s body would not have a chance to absorb the excess calories. Not only is this diet absolutely disgusting, it’s actually extremely dangerous. Having a parasite in your body can lead to weight loss, but at a serious cost to good health. A myriad of problems can arise such as fatigue, cramps, diarrhea, and even an intestinal block if the tapeworm gets large enough. This one is the worst of the worst and should not even be considered.


The Cabbage Soup Diet

Many people who have tried fad diets have tried this diet along the way. The cabbage soup diet promises that you’ll lose at least 10 pounds and consists of eating cabbage soup for an entire week with different fruits and vegetables for select days. While this isn’t the most dangerous diet, it is not going to be effective in losing weight in the long term. The 10 pounds that you do lose is going to be all water weight, and maybe even some muscle mass since the diet does not include very much protein to retain muscle.


Cotton Ball Diet

This extreme diet is also extremely dangerous. Popularized by YouTube among teenage girls, the cotton ball diet involves the dieter swallowing cotton balls that have been soaked in some type of juice or smoothie in hopes that it will allow the person to feel full and not want to eat anything. Much like the tapeworm diet, the cotton ball diet can lead to serious health problems and even death in some case. The reason it is so dangerous is because the cotton balls can get stuck throughout the digestive system, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Stick to eating cotton candy every once in awhile and leave actual cotton balls for their intended hygiene-related purposes.


Instead of cutting any food out, learn the power of eating in moderation and increase your daily physical activity. Leave the fad diets alone and always talk to your doctor before you begin any significant changes to your diet.

Is Kombucha Really Healthy For You?


You’ve probably seen the bottles of Kombucha in the grocery store, and if you’ve never had the chance to try it there are health benefits associated with drinking Kombucha. It has actually been made for thousands of years in asian countries but only recently became a popular drink in the United States. The fizzy drink is comprised of black tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast that has had time to ferment and naturally produce various enzymes, probiotics, and vitamins. The bacteria and yeast in the drink is typically called SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), which allows the fermentation process to occur. Kombucha is currently available in many grocery stores and cafes because of the list of health benefits that are said to come from the drink.


Increases energy

Most people need a boost in the morning or early afternoon, and since kombucha is made with black tea, there are already going to be traces of caffeine in the drink. When the tea ferments, iron is created which helps give those with low iron an additional boost of energy.


Strengthens immune system

After the kombucha ferments it contains many antioxidants that fight free radicals that are in the body. Free radicals are known to cause cell damage and may even lead to cancer because they are such unstable molecules. Black tea is already known to have polyphenols naturally, but after it has been fermented, the kombucha has much more. Polyphenols fight cancer cells, decrease chances of getting diabetes, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.


Improves digestion

Because kombucha has such high levels of probiotics and enzymes, drinking it can help improve digestive issues. The antioxidants that help boost the immune system do the same thing for the digestive system and help alleviate issues. It is also believed that drinking kombucha everyday can help heal leaky gut and increase the good bacteria count in your digestive system.


Fights cancer

Kombucha naturally contains glucaric acid after the fermentation process has taken place. Preliminary studies have shown that ingesting glucaric acid can actually help the body fight the cancer or prevent cancer from forming in the body. The amount of this acid that is present in the kombucha will vary depending on how long the tea has been fermenting and the amount of sugar used.


Helps weight loss

It is believed that kombucha may actually help you lose weight because it may increase your metabolism. Like apple cider vinegar, kombucha contains acetic acid, which many believe leads to weight loss.


Marissa Elman Detox

How to Detox Without Trying


Living a happy and healthy life can be a lot easier said than done, but many people don’t know that there are many small steps that can be taken to incorporate a healthy lifestyle. Here are some ways to boost your health journey without trying too hard.


Adding hot tea to your diet is the perfect step to take towards a healthier lifestyle. Dating back to thousands of years ago, tea was used as a form of medicine in China. Tea has a lot of benefits for the mind and the body. For instance, one study found that drinking hot tea can prevent osteoporosis. One study found that natural chemicals that are released when tea leaves are being dried, had improved symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and overall bone health. Tea also contains a large amount of antioxidants, which protect your cells, fight infection, and reduce cholesterol. Tea is also a great treat to have to help you wind down from long days and relax. Instead of your drinking your next cup of coffee, try adding this warm beverage to your diet, your body will thank you.


Lemons work like a magical fruit. They are great to use for cleaning and killing germs around the house, but they’re also great for flushing toxins out of your body. Lemons are very high in vitamin C which are essential to your inflammatory system and fighting off infections. Drinking warm water with a slice of lemon every morning before breakfast can help raise your energy throughout the day, while aiding in digestion.


Everyone has those moments when they feel as though they don’t have time for breathing. Adding just ten minutes of personal time can help you feel relaxed, while being more productive throughout the day. This is a time to be free from all of your surroundings, and become one with yourself through breathing. It allows you to clear your mind. There have been any studies done that showed the benefits of meditating for ten minutes during the day, including having a higher attention span and less stress throughout the day. Try waking up ten minutes early to meditate by sitting cross-legged on a mat and focus on your breathing.


Walking is also a great way to clear your mind, while gaining great physical benefits. Walking increases blood flow and burns calories. Focusing on your breathing when walking can be just as beneficial as meditating. Walks on the beach or trail walking are great for increasing blood flow and flexibility. It is said that an average person should aim to walk five miles (or 10,000) days per day, but it is really easy to hit these goals without even noticing. Try taking walks during your lunch break or parking your car far away in parking lots.

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