Tag: recipe

Sept 2018 Marissa Elman (1)

5 Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes You Can Make Ahead of Time

Eating a healthy breakfast can be impossible with a busy schedule, but these five quick and healthy breakfast recipes can be made ahead of time so you don’t have to sacrifice health for convenience.


Berry Yogurt Smoothie

The best part about a smoothie is that it takes minutes to make and can be prepared ahead of time. Toss frozen berries and bananas into your blender with a few spoonfuls of Greek yogurt. Add a flavored liquid, such as juice or coconut water, to help it blend. Blend all this together and freeze it overnight to be used in the morning or later in the day. Honey can be added for an extra dose of antioxidants.


Oatmeal And Egg Bowl

Turn your regular morning oatmeal into a savory delight by adding an egg and colorful toppings. Prepare your oatmeal as usual but add a sprinkle of salt and pepper in place of sweeteners. Fry an egg and place it over the oatmeal with a sprinkling of cheese or fresh peppers for a breakfast rich in vitamins and fiber.


Macadamia Ricotta Tomato Toast

Toast for breakfast doesn’t have to be boring with this colorful and flavorful recipe. Use slices of whole grain bread for the toast. Make your own macadamia ricotta cheese spread and cover each slice with it to your preference. Sprinkle on some basil and cracked pepper, if desired. Two slices of fresh heirloom tomatoes should then be added to each slice of toast before enjoying.


Egg and Avocado Toast

Easy to make and transport, this breakfast is perfect on-the-go. Toast two slices of multigrain bread and then spread a hearty layer of smashed avocado on each. Sprinkle on salt and pepper for flavor. Fry up two eggs until the yolk is mostly firm before placing an egg on each slice. Garnish with a sprinkle of cheese for a protein-dense meal.


Chocolate and Berry Breakfast Bowl

Start your day with a quick meal that’s both healthy and sweet. Cook up your favorite breakfast grain, such as oatmeal, or make yourself a protein-dense bowl of quinoa. Add a handful of raspberries, bananas, and blueberries for your daily serving of fruit. Top the bowl with chunks of dark chocolate and almonds to add extra minerals, protein, and fiber.

chia seeds - marissa elman

The New Delicious Superfood: Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are taking the health food world by storm and for good reason. They are an impressive superfood with many health benefits, and it’s easy to incorporate them into your diet even if you are not a seasoned chef.


What are chia seeds?

Chia seeds come from a desert plant native to South America. A member of the mint family, it is believed that the ancient Aztecs enjoyed chia as a staple of their diet. These tiny black seeds are naturally gluten-free, vegan and raw.


What health benefits do chia seeds offer?

One serving of chia seeds is about two tablespoons and offers about 11 grams of fiber, 5.6 grams of protein, and 179 mg of calcium. To put that into perspective, that’s almost three times as much fiber than a bowl of oatmeal, twice as much protein as most other vegan sources, and fives times as much calcium than a glass of milk. Chia seeds are also a great source of antioxidants, iron, and omega-3s. Perfect for those who are working towards weight loss, they expand when mixed with liquid and can help you stay full longer.


How do you eat chia seeds?

Some health foods are difficult to work into your daily routine because they take so much preparation. Thankfully, chia seeds are a breeze to prepare and can be added to many of the meals you already enjoy. Sprinkle them on top of oatmeal, yogurt, cereal, or salads, or blend them into your smoothie. They’ll provide a pleasant crunch without changing the flavor of your meal. For a vegan egg substitute in baked goods, mix one tablespoon of chia seeds with three tablespoons of water, and wait about ten minutes for the mixture to form a gel. To make an easy healthy pudding, blend a half cup of chia seeds with two cups of your choice of milk. Add a teaspoon of vanilla and a small amount of sweetener (honey, dates, or stevia are great options), as well as your choice of flavoring. Three tablespoons of cocoa powder will give you a luxurious chocolate treat, while a cup of frozen fruit will create a cool tropical pudding. They are so many great ways to enjoy this versatile food while gaining amazing health benefits in the process.

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