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Vacations For Fitness Lovers Marissa Elman

Perfect Vacation Ideas for Fitness Lovers

Going on vacations doesn’t mean you have to spend your days lounging in the sun with a cool drink in hand, though that certainly appeals to some people. For fitness lovers and adventure seekers, vacation can mean engaging your bodies in exciting, rigorous activities away from home. Here are a few vacation options for you to consider.


Explore the Galapagos

These islands in Ecuador’s territory are perfect for those with an active lifestyle. Sure, the beaches are great for relaxing, but the beautiful landscape allows for scenic hikes and surfing expeditions. On the mainland, some of the best canopy walks, where the paths are suspended above the ground, can be found. This trip is also perfect for anyone interested in nature, especially native wildlife, with giant tortoises, marine iguanas, Galapagos penguins, and more!


Drop Into Black Hole Drop in Belize

Nestled in the Maya Mountains, Black Hole Drop is a stunning cave that can only be reached by rappelling. After hiking up the foothills of the Maya Mountains, explorers will jump down 300 feet to reach the cave’s basin. While rappelling, the cave below appears dark and distance, but once you reach the bottom, you can appreciate a beautiful rainforest canopy before you depart.


Brave the Skeleton Coast of Namibia

With such a foreboding name, this location may not sound welcoming, but the sand dunes along this stretch of Namibia’s coastline are impossible to resist. Here, you can participate in unique activities like sand sledding and sand boarding. Nearby is Etosha National Park, where black rhinos and cheetahs can be found in the largest free-roaming population size in the world.


Climb Mt. Batur in Bali

For the truly adventures, what better way to spend a trip than scaling a volcano? Of course, Mount Batur is not active, but the thrill of climbing such an impressive landmass is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Guided tours are available, and some treks entail climbing the mountain before dawn to catch the sunrise from the summit.


Enjoy the Diamond Highlands of Brazil

Named for its region’s famous diamond mines, the Diamond Highlands (Chapada Diamantina) boasts stunning scenery and ample opportunities for physical activity. Hike up to the top of the tabletop Morro Pai Inácio or swim in the underground cavern pool in Poco Azul. This area also features a number of incredible waterfalls; because many of them flow over flat rocks, you can often slide down them!


Marissa Elman Reasons People Decide To Become Vegan

Reasons People Decide to Become Vegan

While many have heard of vegetarianism, veganism is often considered a natural extension of such a diet and has been growing increasingly more popular among lifestyle choices. Similar to vegetarians, vegans avoid meat-products and also extend their dietary restrictions to any product that comes from animals, such as eggs and dairy. Vegans are cruelty-free and also tend to avoid materials such as fur, leather, and products that have been tested on animals.


While all individuals have different experiences with their transitions to veganism, there are some common threads for the lifestyle change. Here are some of the most common reasons people decide to go vegan.



Many individuals decide to go vegan due to ethical reasons. Regardless of whether individuals have emotional attachments to animals, do not condone killing living beings, or have other reasons that coincide, choosing a vegan lifestyle allows people to avoid contributing to meat and dairy industries where animals are mistreated.



Another reason individuals may choose to go vegan is due to environmental reasons. Animal agriculture places a heavy burden on the environment and resources. Overuse of farmlands accelerates topsoil erosion, which renders crop cultivation less productive. This reduction of productivity often leads to the necessity to convert wilderness to farmlands, which results in deforestation, loss of habitat for native species, and extinction. In addition to the burden on the land, animal waste from massive production houses also leads to water pollution and increased greenhouse gas production.


By choosing a vegan lifestyle, people are able to follow plant and nut-based diets. As crops require fewer resources, crop farming is more sustainable and healthy for the environment than animal agriculture.



Individuals may also choose to go vegan to improve their health. Consuming animal fats and proteins has been tied to different types of cancers—such as lung, colon, and heart—as well as a variety of other diseases, including kidney disease, diabetes, and obesity.


Vegan diets incorporate more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans, so vegans see the benefits of meals lower in fat and richer in fiber and other nutrients. As vegans can obtain protein through legumes and grains, calcium from green vegetables, and iron from chickpeas and soy products, vegans can receive all of the necessary nutrients without consuming animal products.



Aside from the reasons listed above, individuals may also choose to go vegan due to other reasons as well. Some may find that plant-based diets are more affordable than diets that rely on meats. Others may have family, friends, or significant others that are making the change to become vegan and find that it has become easier to cut out meat products than cook separate meals.


Of course, individuals may also go vegan for a mixture of all of these reasons, or perhaps reasons that have not been listed. Regardless of reasons, it is important to respect others’ lifestyle choices.


Why you Should Reconsider DIYing Your Next Beauty Product

When it comes to everything beauty, people have become more educated about the products they buy. The trend appears to be favoring formulas created by Mother Nature, those that are kind to the skin and friendly to the planet. Heavy chemicals and preservatives can do a lot of damage, and consumers have developed a more discerning eye.


That is why do-it-yourself beauty is becoming extremely popular. Let’s face it; one knows exactly what ingredients are going into the formulas they make, and they can feel safe about the product’s performance. A variety of botanicals can often deliver better results than the storebought, manufactured formulas. In addition, d.i.y. beauty is more affordable and a wise investment.


For instance, NewHopeNetwork has its pulse on the natural/organic industry and predicts that personal care products will be featuring more ingredients like hempseed oil, goat’s milk, moringa and murumuru butter in non-toxic skin care and cosmetics items.


Do-it-yourself beauty doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals and expensive equipment or a lengthy processing time. These ingredients are available to consumers, and many times, one can find the stuff they need right in their kitchen cupboard.


For example, there’s been a lot of buzz on social media about the power of rice water; it’s a huge YouTube topic. There are more than 403,000 YouTube videos about rice water beauty alone, and the d.i.y. demonstrations are simple to follow.


This video has received more than 4 million views so far, and the only ingredients for the complexion wash/toner are rice and water.


The toner absorbs quickly, firms the contours of the face and creates a brighter complexion by those who have tried it. Best of all, it’s a natural, healthy product and tolerable by every skin tone.


Compared to expensive high-end boutique moisturizers, the rice water wash is a precious steal.


D.I.Y. beauty products are an excellent way to wean a person from the multiple items they purchase daily. The majority of these formulas contain suspect chemicals like phthalates, lead, formaldehyde, parabens and others.


Even Capitol Hill has been trying to pass a bipartisan Senate bill that could help protect consumers from toxic chemicals in personal care products.


People demand healthy beauty now, and do-it-yourself has become a way to get it.


chia seeds - marissa elman

The New Delicious Superfood: Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are taking the health food world by storm and for good reason. They are an impressive superfood with many health benefits, and it’s easy to incorporate them into your diet even if you are not a seasoned chef.


What are chia seeds?

Chia seeds come from a desert plant native to South America. A member of the mint family, it is believed that the ancient Aztecs enjoyed chia as a staple of their diet. These tiny black seeds are naturally gluten-free, vegan and raw.


What health benefits do chia seeds offer?

One serving of chia seeds is about two tablespoons and offers about 11 grams of fiber, 5.6 grams of protein, and 179 mg of calcium. To put that into perspective, that’s almost three times as much fiber than a bowl of oatmeal, twice as much protein as most other vegan sources, and fives times as much calcium than a glass of milk. Chia seeds are also a great source of antioxidants, iron, and omega-3s. Perfect for those who are working towards weight loss, they expand when mixed with liquid and can help you stay full longer.


How do you eat chia seeds?

Some health foods are difficult to work into your daily routine because they take so much preparation. Thankfully, chia seeds are a breeze to prepare and can be added to many of the meals you already enjoy. Sprinkle them on top of oatmeal, yogurt, cereal, or salads, or blend them into your smoothie. They’ll provide a pleasant crunch without changing the flavor of your meal. For a vegan egg substitute in baked goods, mix one tablespoon of chia seeds with three tablespoons of water, and wait about ten minutes for the mixture to form a gel. To make an easy healthy pudding, blend a half cup of chia seeds with two cups of your choice of milk. Add a teaspoon of vanilla and a small amount of sweetener (honey, dates, or stevia are great options), as well as your choice of flavoring. Three tablespoons of cocoa powder will give you a luxurious chocolate treat, while a cup of frozen fruit will create a cool tropical pudding. They are so many great ways to enjoy this versatile food while gaining amazing health benefits in the process.

health tips - marissa elman

5 Health Tips That Might Surprise You

There are dozens of ways for a person to improve his or her health. While some of these are obvious, others are more surprising.


#1) Lose Weight By Eating More

It may sound counterproductive, but eating more frequently can actually encourage weight loss. Fasting for long periods between meals causes a person’s blood sugar and metabolism to drop, resulting in weight gain. Eating frequently, on the other hand, has the opposite effect by balancing a regulating blood sugar and metabolism.


#2) Chew Gum to Curb Hunger

In addition to fighting bad breath and promoting a healthy smile, chewing gum can curb hunger cravings. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Rhode Island, participants who chewed gum consumed nearly 70 calories less for lunch than the control group. Chewing gum activates salivary glands and tricks the brain into thinking it’s full.


#3) Drink Vinegar to Treat Acid Reflux

Affecting up to 20 percent of the population, acid reflux is a widespread, chronic medical condition that’s characterized by stomach acid rising up into the esophagus. A simple DIY remedy, however, is vinegar. Drinking 1 or 2 tablespoons of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar mixed in a cup of water can eliminate acid reflux. Vinegar’s acidic properties allow it to balance the stomach’s pH levels and protect against acid reflux.


#4) Eat More Fat to Protect Against Heart Disease

More than 610,000 Americans die from heart disease each year, but high-fat diet can lower a person’s risk. The secret is to choose the right type of fat. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats clean plaque from the arteries while keeping cholesterol levels in check. Available in fish, nuts, and soy, these healthy fats can lower the risk of heart disease.


#5) Don’t Drink Diet Soda

People who are looking to lose weight should avoid drinking diet soda. Although it typically doesn’t contain any calories, diet soda still contributes to weight gain. One study found that diet drinks trigger both weight gain and diabetes. While the reason behind this phenomenon is open to debate, some experts believe that artificial sweetener is processed by the body the same way as sugar.


These are just a few surprising health tips. Men and women who are looking to improve their health should also perform a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises for maximum benefit.

marissa elman

Squeezing in exercise at work – stretches and exercise moves you can do at your desk

There are several reasons you need to occasionally exercise or stretch your muscles at work. The main reason is because when you sit for long hours, typing and hunching over a computer, you run the risk of getting repetitive stress injuries. Secondly, muscles can get stiff during the day and start aching. And the best way to alleviate both potential problems is to perform some periodic exercises at your desk. Exercise different areas of your body so you get the blood flowing all over. That said, following are some great movements you can do without leaving your desk.


Head Twist and Rotation

While seated on your chair, slowly turn your head to the left as far as you can and hold that position for five seconds. Turn your head to the right in the same manner and hold it there for five seconds. Repeat the movement five times on each side, then relax.


Shoulder Blade Squeeze

Sit in an armless chair with your hands resting on your upper thighs. Slowly move both arms back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold that position for five seconds, then repeat it two to four more times. Perform this exercise a couple times per day for stiff traps and upper back muscles, according to Mayo Clinic.


The Twinkle Toe

Warm your toes and ankles up by tapping them in rapid fashion under your desk while seated, according to Greatest.com.


The Mover and Shaker

When you have a little privacy with no prying eyes, try a little seat dancing. This exercise comes natural to babies when they long for movement. Move your arms and legs while your sitting to get the blood flowing. One to two minutes should do the trick.


Silent Seat Squeeze

An effective way to get blood flowing in your rear end and lower back is by simply squeezing your buttocks in your chair. Hold each squeeze for five to 10 seconds, according to Great.com. Continue flexing and relaxing your glutes until you feel rejuvenated or tire the muscles.


Desk Squats

To stimulate those tired legs, perform some squats in front of your desk after pushing your chair aside. Lower yourself down until the bottoms of your legs are parallel to the floor, simultaneously moving your arms up toward your computer screen. Hold the movement for fifteen seconds, then stand back up. Do four to six repetitions.

marissa elman

Movies That Will Help You Get Motivated

Getting healthy and reaching your fitness goals can be incredibly difficult. It’s a good idea to do whatever necessary to get to the point where you are happy and healthy, and the following movies could help you get your priorities straight and start hitting the gym.


Bridget Jones’ Diary

Not only is Bridget Jones hopeless in her romantic life, she also lives her life in an unhealthy manner by smoking, eating poorly, and not exercising. When she thinks she can’t get any lower, she decides to vanquish her unhealthy ways and get down to business so she can live a better life. One of the best moves Bridget made was to get a diary and start writing down her thoughts, achievements, and yes, some slip ups. None of us are perfect, but trying to take steps in the right direction are always a great idea.



Michelle Rodriguez plays a tough girl who has been thrown into a rough school where she discovers boxing. This movie shows how strong you can get when you take up boxing and how physically and mentally tough you get when you make fitness a priority in your life. Take a page from the lead character in this story and try your hand at boxing. The high-intensity workout will get your blood pumping and have you on the way to a healthier life.


Super Size Me

When  one man makes it his mission to eat nothing but McDonald’s menu items for a full month, his health seems to take a significant hit. Although most of us don’t eat fast food for every single meal, it still gives viewers an indication at how unhealthy this kind of food for our bodies.


The Karate Kid

This classic movie is about one young man’s quest to protect himself from a beautiful girl’s ex-boyfriend. A older man who works at the apartment the boy, Daniel LaRusso, lives in is actually a karate master who, besides teaching him how to wax cars, paint houses, and sands floors, teaches him the art of karate. While he’s doing all of this seemingly unrelated chores, Daniel is actually getting stronger and becoming a powerful karate student. Much like Daniel, whenever you work out, you may think to yourself that you aren’t actually making a difference in your overall health, but rest assured that you are improving your health with every positive step you make.

The Hadza Diet: What is It and Why You Should Consider It

The Hadza Diet- What is it and Why You Should Consider It

The Hadza people are one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes in the world. For thousands of years, they have lived on the same land in Northern Tanzania living on a diet that consists of berries, tubers, and over 30,000 different mammals. This diet has been making ways around as people are growing more interested in how this diet can have great health benefits.


The Hadza diet primarily consists of eating whatever is found in the wild which include berries, tubers, honey and larvae straight from the comb, and meat from a variety of mammals. The interesting fact about this is that it also varies based on the seasons. During the dry seasons, they typically eat meat and tubers, and during the wet seasons, they eat more berries and honey.


This diet is starting to gain a great deal of attention, especially amongst the gut health-conscious. The reason for this is that through this diet by the Hadza people, they have remarkable healthy microbiomes meaning they have very healthy guts. The Hadza people get one hundred or more grams of fiber per day in their food on average. We typically get about fifteen grams on average. Now, this is not to suggest that you go and live the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. The idea is that we need to up the intake of fiber we have per day. Justin Sonnenburg, who is a professor at Stanford University made a statement saying that “Fiber is all that’s left at the very end of our digestive tract where these microbes live, so they have [Hadza people] evolved to be very good at digesting it.” Along with eating more fiber, it is also important to only eat minimally processed foods and have in-season fruits and vegetables readily available.


The hope through this diet is to increase the diversity in one’s microbiome. The research done by Sonnenburg shows that the Hadza people have one of the most diverse microbiomes in the world. They compared stool samples of the Hadza tribe to those of 17 other cultures around the world which included other hunter-gatherer communities in Venezuela and Peru and subsistence farmers in Malawi and Cameroon. Through these samples, the research showed an interesting trend that the further away people’s diets were from a Western diet, the greater the variety of microbes they have in their guts which also includes bacteria that is missing from American guts. So the next time you are considering taking up a new diet, try taking up the ways of the Hadza people.

Worst Menu Items in America

Worst Menu Items in America - Marissa Elman (1)


There’s no denying that eating out on a regular basis can do horrible things to your diet. Making your own food at home is, for the most part, going to be a healthier option than ordering out the same item at your favorite restaurant. Many of us get overwhelmed by the choices and ultimately succumb to ordering something too heavy that makes us feel like we just blew an entire week’s worth of exercise.


Not to worry though, the next time you go out to eat with your friends or family, just be sure to steer clear of these terrible choices that pack on the calories, sugar, and fat. What to look out for from any restaurant is when there are multiple menu items that are contained in one meal, like mozzarella sticks on a cheeseburger. A cheeseburger is not devoid of nutrition, but a cheeseburger topped with mozzarella sticks and a side of french fries is going to run you hundreds and hundreds of calories and an unhealthy amount of fat.


Worst Offenders


The Cheesecake Factory

The Pasta Nepoletana

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is an organization based in Washington DC that advocates for healthier food choices in the United States, and they found that this pasta creation from the Cheesecake Factory is one of the worst pasta dishes you can order in America. For those that want to throw caution to the wind and go for the Pasta Nepoletana, you’ll be served a creamy parmesan cheese pasta topped with several meats like pepperoni, meatballs, sausage, and bacon. Just one serving of this dish is estimated to be around 2,310 calories and a mind blowing 4,370 milligrams of sodium and 79 grams of saturated fat. To put that into perspective, the average adult woman should only be consuming 1,800 to 2,400 calories, 16 grams of saturated fat, and 1,500 mg of sodium each day.


California Pizza Kitchen

Waldorf Chicken Salad

Just because you may order a salad at a restaurant does not mean you will actually receive a healthy meal that will keep you on track with your health goals. According to Eat This, Not That!, this salad is basically like eating 4 Hostess cupcakes because of the incredibly high sugar content at 55 grams of sugar. Not only that, this seemingly harmless salad is packed with 1,310 calories and 1,840 mg of sodium.


UNO Pizzeria

Whole Hog Burger

If you’re watching your caloric intake, it’s not likely you will end up ordering this colossal burger, but it’s good to keep in mind what the absolute unhealthiest menu item in America is. This single burger comes with over a pound of meat between sausage, pepperoni, hamburger, and bacon is at a heart stopping 2,850 calories and 6,610 mg of sodium.

How to Hire a Personal Trainer

How to Hire a Personal Trainer - Marissa Elman


Getting in shape by yourself can be daunting, but just as overwhelming can be trying to find the best personal trainer for you and your own situation. There are some excellent personal trainers out there, but there are also ones that are just plain terrible. Before you shell out hundreds of dollars on someone to help you get in shape, follow these steps to make sure you’re getting the most for your dollar.


  1. Set Your Goals First

Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you’re hoping to gain from your time with your personal trainer. Are you already in shape but hoping to advance your muscle mass, or do you need help losing a significant amount of weight? Think about your own skill and experience level too and how many times per week you would like to participate in a workout routine with the trainer.


  1. Meet with Several Trainers

Once you have a clear goal, it’s time to start seeking out trainers in your local area. If you live in a large city, you’ll likely have many options to choose from compared to a small town. Make sure you look for places that will work well with your own schedule each week and are close to your work or home. It’s often most beneficial to find a gym between work and home so it’s easier for you to get to. Narrow down your choices by reading reviews, asking coworkers and friends, and checking out the facility, then go in and meet with the trainer you’ll be partnered with.


During the consultation, make sure you define your goals and articulate what it is you’re hoping to gain from your time together. The trainer should come up with a realistic schedule and regimen that fits within these goals and exercise level. Make sure they are aware of any injuries you may have had in the past or limitations so that they don’t ask you to do something that may hurt you.


  1. Know the signs of a bad trainer

A great trainer should be excited to get started with your workout schedule because they sincerely want to help you. It’s also worth it to ask about their certifications and success stories of the past. Having certifications doesn’t necessarily equal excellence in personal training, but it can be an indicator that they take their work seriously and are dedicated to building their level of knowledge of personal training. Bad trainers will make unrealistic promises, guaranteeing results in a relatively short amount of time.

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