Category: Mental Health

Marissa Elman How To Become More Resilient

How to Become More Resilient

Many people want to become stronger and more resilient, but they may lack the knowledge to create that change in their lives. However, there are some real, actionable steps you can take to obtain your objective of developing a more resilient individual. This guide will help you get started.

Adopt a Sense of Purpose

Resilient people are driven by a sense of purpose, so it makes sense for this to be the first step in cultivating that part of your personality. Your sense of purpose can be anything. You don’t have to justify it to anyone else, but it should be meaningful and important to you. Your sense of purpose can focus on bringing about some type of social change, or it can be to change something in your own life.

Boost Your Confidence

Being resilient means using your talents and skills to help you tackle any challenge you may have to confront. This is why developing your abilities is an essential part of the process. It will require hours and hours of practice, but, if you work hard at mastering specific skills, your own self-confidence will also be strengthened. When you need to use those skills to overcome an obstacle, your confidence in your abilities will help you succeed.

Surround Yourself With Social Support

You’ll also need support from friends and family, so find people you can trust and add them to your social circle. You should distance yourself from those people in your life who seem to always have something negative to say. Even if they’re acting out of concern for you, consistent negativity will adversely impact your inner resilience.

Use Goal Setting to Attack Problems

When life does throw an obstacle at you, don’t let yourself fall into a panic. Instead, set small actionable goals that will help you work towards resolving the challenge. These goals should work together as a series of steps with each preceding goal making it easier for you to reach your next goal. In this way, you’ll resolve the problem with a natural progression of steps.

To be truly resilient, you can’t let yourself fall into a stagnant rut. Instead, you should consistently be learning and developing new skills. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself to excel in new areas. The more skills you master, the more resilient you’ll become.

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Tips on How to Become More Hopeful

The current state of affairs has negatively impacted almost everyone, but these unpleasant circumstances aren’t permanent. It’s more important than ever to know that things will get better. You can maintain a healthier and more hopeful outlook by incorporating the following suggestions into your life.

Be Mindful of Your Mental State

If you wake up in the morning feeling grouchy or depressed, you can’t expect to have a good day. When you recognize negative feelings, particularly those that are unfounded, make a course correction. Determine that it will be a good day, and make a conscious effort to face the day with a positive and hopeful outlook.

Recognize That You Have Free Will

Most people go about their days accepting the events in their lives as unchangeable fate, but that’s far from true. In fact, you can change your life in both insignificant and significant ways through the choices you make. You can bring the changes in your life that will make you happy by paying closer attention to the choices you make. It’s never too late to make new choices or try something different.

Learn From Every Experience

No matter how difficult the challenge, there is always something to be learned from the event. For example, if you’re being bullied, you might decide to take self-defense training or start lifting weights. Every opportunity is a chance to make changes in your life and grow as an individual. As long as you can take something positive from a situation, you’ll be growing and improving your life.

Spend Time Doing What You Enjoy

When you do feel down or defeated, take some time for yourself. Whether you just spend a day in solitude or engage in a favorite hobby, you should do something that makes you feel good or content. Taking time for yourself is sometimes what’s needed to regroup and refocus your attention. You’ll return to the challenges in your life feeling reinvigorated and less stressed, which will give you the mental strength needed to face those challenges.

Remaining hopeful all of the time isn’t an attainable goal. Everyone loses hope from time to time, but the trick is to recognize that this is a temporary state of mind. Look for ways to strengthen your resolve and eliminate the stress in your life, so you’ll be able to return to a state of hopefulness.

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How to Prioritize Self-Care While Working From Home

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, it’s suggested that individuals stay home when they can. Many businesses are turning to remote work as a way to help stop the virus from spreading, but the transition to work from home may be hard for some employees. Remote work requires making adjustments to workflow and scheduling. Employees making the transition will also need to decide where to set up a workspace in their home.

The Importance of Self-Care for Remote Employees

Self-care is essential for employees who work from home. Self-care is maintaining good health and well being, and there are various ways individuals can practice self-care. It’s especially important that remote workers engage in activities that promote self-care. With the pandemic, many people are concerned and worried, and when these feelings are combined with a new work environment, it can make it difficult to be productive.

Ways to Practice Self-Care When Working Remotely

Individuals can maintain good health and well being while working at home with self-care habits that include setting boundaries, getting enough sleep, keeping your workspace organized, and sticking to a routine.

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries that help you keep your work life and home life separate is beneficial. If you’re not working, refrain from checking work emails and notifications until it’s time for you to work again. Remote workers will also benefit from having a dedicated workspace that’s free of clutter and distractions.

Getting Enough Sleep

It’s suggested that adults get eight hours of sleep each night to promote good health and mental wellness. Getting to bed at a regular time creates a routine that can boost focus during the day.

Keeping an Organized Workspace

Keeping an organized, clean workspace can help remote workers with productivity. Not only will keeping a workspace clean and disinfected promote productivity, but it also helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Sticking to a Routine

Remote workers should stick to their routines as much as possible. Individuals who exercised before or after work should try to maintain their routine when they’re working from home. Remote workers who used to have a long commute can use the extra time to sleep in or take up a new activity.

The Importance of Self-Care During Difficult Times

The past few months have been stressful for many, resulting in uncertainty, increased anxiety, and depression. Social distancing, while keeping us safe from COVID-19, can result in social isolation for some. Within the last month, the country has erupted in civil unrest caused by racism, which affects all members of our communities. During these difficult times, self-care is extremely important, and here are some practical tips that can help. 


Reaching Out

Connecting with others helps to encourage healthy relationships, especially at times when we feel more divided. The age of technology has made this easier by increasing our options for making connections, whether through phone, video platforms, or simply writing a letter. Connecting with others increases the likelihood that stressors will be coped with in a way that reduces adverse health consequences. Plus, social support can influence a person’s ability to activate their own individual coping skills. 



Sometimes, people aren’t always available for us to reach out to, and a journal can be a way to practice some healthy introspection. A journal provides us with a safe space for us to record and discuss our feelings. When journaling your feelings, remember that it’s okay to not feel okay amid the things that are happening in the world. It’s also a good idea to remind yourself how you have managed difficult times in the past. 



Make gratitude part of your daily practice. Plan to do positive things such as offering help to others. Many people find that volunteering can boost your sense of connectedness and self-esteem. According to Dr. Taylor-Desir of Mayo Clinic, studies have shown that the practice of gratitude can shift our focus from negative emotions to more positive ones. In addition, gratitude increases neural sensitivity in areas of our brain linked to learning and decision making and can contribute to improved mental health over time. 


Less Screen Time

Some people may turn to social media and news feeds during this time to stay up to date with current events, however, too much of this can be detrimental. Take time to get away from social media and unplug from the news. Try spending more time in nature, doing yoga, or meditating. If you’re feeling exhausted by the news, it may be a sign that you’re spending too much time exposing yourself to too much negative information. 

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Living Room Fitness Routine

Not all of us are able to leave our homes to pursue activities. In our current climate, we are becoming normalized to doing are ordinary tasks from our own homes. Here are some simple living room fitness routines to try to stay active.


Couch Leg Raises

Couch leg raises are exercises that you can comfortably do on a couch. The couch is a bit softer than a hard floor, which is appealing to many people. The target muscles are the rectus abdominal muscles, the oblique muscles, and abdominal muscles.

  •  Lay flat on the couch with your head on the cushions and your back on the couch.
  • Leave both of your legs straightened out and elevate them to a vertical position before lowering them back down. 
  • Repeat this 10x and repeat the set.


Couch Air Bike Crunches

This is the perfect exercise for when you don’t feel like exercising. The muscles that are being worked are the lower abs, front hip flexors, and the quadriceps. 

  • Lie on the sofa with your knees bent, with your lower back pressed against the couch.
  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Contract your core muscles while drawing in your abdomen to stabilize your spine.
  • With both your hands holding your head gently, move your shoulder blades back while elevating your knees 90 degrees.
  • Breathe out slowly and make a bicycle motion with your legs. Try to keep your legs higher than your hips while completing this exercise. 


Couch Squats

Couch squats are an ideal exercise for those who do not have a spacious living room space. The workout strengthens both your legs, core, and bottom. The primary muscles used are the quadriceps, hamstrings, hips, thighs, and glutes. 

  • Stand in front of your sofa with both of your arms while sucking your stomach inwards. 
  • Move as if you are about to sit, but do not sit on the couch.
  • Straighten back up to a standing position
  • Repeat this 10x per set, multiple sets per exercising schedule.


Exercising is a great way to stay healthy and get your endorphins rushing. You don’t have to leave your home to remain fit. 

How To Stick To Your New Years Resolution Marissa Elman

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

At the beginning of a new year, we often tend to tell ourselves how things will be different. From adopting healthier habits, picking up a hobby, or making big changes, new year’s resolutions are varied. The problem with these resolutions is that, too often, they tend to fail within a few months. Below are a few tips for how you can stick to your resolution throughout the whole year.


Be Honest

Many common goals involve health, particularly in regards to fitness or diet. When establishing a resolution, it is important that you make yours something that really matters to you and will have a positive impact on your life. Your resolution should not be based on what others believe or value; instead, choose something that inspires you and motivates you from within.


Set Clear Goals

For most people, it’s actually best to stick to a single goal; doing so allows for clarity and simplicity that makes you more inclined to actually follow through with your plans. However, if there are multiple things you’d like to accomplish in the coming year, you shouldn’t feel the need to limit yourself to just one goal. Instead, prioritize making your goal straightforward, reasonable, and rewarding. It may help to set benchmark goals, as well, to keep you on track throughout the year. You should be able to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, how you can go about doing so, and what the end result will be.


Reward Yourself

When dreaming big, it can be difficult at the beginning when your goal is far away. However, it is essential that you learn to acknowledge your successes no matter how small they may seem. Every step toward reaching your goals is one worth celebrating.


Forgive Mistakes

No one is perfect, and it is unreasonable to expect yourself to only think about your goal. Giving up can be easy when you have any setbacks because you are focused on the end goal, but it is important to remember that achieving your goals takes time, patience, and effort. You can’t accomplish your goal in a single day, and similarly, one day won’t ruin your progress, either.

6 Books To Read To Inspire You To Achieve Greatness Marissa Elman

6 Books to Inspire You To Achieve Greatness

Books hold a wealth of knowledge, but they can also inspire readers to make bold choices and enact change in their own lives. Powerful stories and insightful ideas open people’s eyes to unimagined possibilities. Here are 6 books that can challenge anyone to achieve greatness.


1. Miracle in the Andes – Nando Parrado

This inspiring read describes how an amateur rugby team crashed into the Andes in 1972. Parrado, one of the two survivors, recounts his harrowing, courageous hike out of the mountains. These extraordinary feats of human strength and perseverance can inspire greatness in all of us.


2. The Magic of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz

Schwartz teaches his readers to plan big, bold dreams with methodical, practical advice. His program nurtures creative thinking for both personal life and business.


3. Down and Out in Paris and London – George Orwell

Orwell is semi-autobiographical in this novel which follows his search for work as a young man in Paris and London. Despite the struggle, he maintains a tone of wry humor that is sure to entertain and motivate.


4. I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by The Taliban – Malala Yousafzai and Christine Lamb

At only fifteen, Malala Yousafzai demanded her right to education and was shot in the head by the Taliban. Miraculously, she survived, becoming a symbol of peaceful protest at the United Nations. Her story is a truly inspirational one.


5. Cancer Ward – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

This moving story about cancer patients is simultaneously an allegory of the Soviet Union. Despite being banned by Soviet authorities, Solzhentisyn’s novel movingly bears witness to the lasting damage caused by Stalin’s Purge.


6. The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms – Danielle LaPorte

Most self-help books tell readers to set goals. LaPorte replies that goals are useless, and instead, what truly matters is defining and achieving desired feelings. Her approach is unusual, engaging, and profoundly helpful.


These books are only a few examples. Hundreds of books have helped readers maximize their potential, testifying to the power of good reading.

The Impact Of Mental Health On Overall Wellness Marissa Elman

The Impact of Mental Health on Overall Wellness

Within the past few decades, the understanding of the relationship between physical and mental health has become more evident due to advancements in the fields of psychiatry and psychology. Before this revelation, the healthcare community and society viewed these two as separate entities. However, with recent research, there is a strong correlation between the two. Put simply, taking care of your physical wellness is not sufficient to live a healthy life; you need to ensure you are healthy both physically and mentally. Additionally, there seems to be a connection between those with mental health conditions and physical health disorders, further enforcing the importance of better mental health care.


Patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia are two times more at risk of death from heart disease and three times more at risk of death due to respiratory disease. This relationship is also seen in the reverse. Patients diagnosed with Psoriasis, which is a skin condition that results in dry, scaly, silvery plaques on the surfaces of knees and elbows, have a 1 in 3 chance of experiencing anxiety and depression. 1 in 10 psoriatic patients have contemplated suicide, and 1 in 3 experience problems in their relationships with loved ones.


Mental Disorders affect roughly 20% of the total population, and around 4% have a severe mental impairment. This population is at a higher risk of developing chronic physical illnesses, physical injury, accidents, violent tendencies, and suicidal thoughts or actions. The current issue is that the healthcare system is inadequately capable of dealing with mental illnesses while also treating physical ailments.


Patients often are unable to receive adequate care for their mental illnesses. This allows physical illnesses to recur since patients with mental illnesses have higher morbidity rates than mentally healthy patients. Typically, standard insurance plans do not include mental healthcare coverage, so patients may not be able to receive the care they need when it is most important. This drives healthcare costs ups since underlying mental illnesses go unchecked. Also, society views mental illnesses in a negative light that treats it not as a disorder but more like a conscious choice.


Advancements in psychiatry in recent decades are bringing treatment modalities to the forefront that are now being considered at the time of diagnosing patients. Ohio State Harding Hospital has included a focus on nutrition and spirituality when treating their patients. Harding Hospital is a prime example of how patients could be treated in the future that will allow for a more holistic approach to treatment. Focusing on treating the patient will allow patients to remain illness-free for longer. Learning from hospital systems that have already adopted the view of mental and physical well-being is the most effective way to treat patients holistically.

Treating both mental and physical ailments is essential for patients and providers alike; failing to do so will result in a decrease in quality of life and negative long term effects.

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