Tag: goals

How To Stick To Your New Years Resolution Marissa Elman

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

At the beginning of a new year, we often tend to tell ourselves how things will be different. From adopting healthier habits, picking up a hobby, or making big changes, new year’s resolutions are varied. The problem with these resolutions is that, too often, they tend to fail within a few months. Below are a few tips for how you can stick to your resolution throughout the whole year.


Be Honest

Many common goals involve health, particularly in regards to fitness or diet. When establishing a resolution, it is important that you make yours something that really matters to you and will have a positive impact on your life. Your resolution should not be based on what others believe or value; instead, choose something that inspires you and motivates you from within.


Set Clear Goals

For most people, it’s actually best to stick to a single goal; doing so allows for clarity and simplicity that makes you more inclined to actually follow through with your plans. However, if there are multiple things you’d like to accomplish in the coming year, you shouldn’t feel the need to limit yourself to just one goal. Instead, prioritize making your goal straightforward, reasonable, and rewarding. It may help to set benchmark goals, as well, to keep you on track throughout the year. You should be able to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, how you can go about doing so, and what the end result will be.


Reward Yourself

When dreaming big, it can be difficult at the beginning when your goal is far away. However, it is essential that you learn to acknowledge your successes no matter how small they may seem. Every step toward reaching your goals is one worth celebrating.


Forgive Mistakes

No one is perfect, and it is unreasonable to expect yourself to only think about your goal. Giving up can be easy when you have any setbacks because you are focused on the end goal, but it is important to remember that achieving your goals takes time, patience, and effort. You can’t accomplish your goal in a single day, and similarly, one day won’t ruin your progress, either.

marissa elman

Movies That Will Help You Get Motivated

Getting healthy and reaching your fitness goals can be incredibly difficult. It’s a good idea to do whatever necessary to get to the point where you are happy and healthy, and the following movies could help you get your priorities straight and start hitting the gym.


Bridget Jones’ Diary

Not only is Bridget Jones hopeless in her romantic life, she also lives her life in an unhealthy manner by smoking, eating poorly, and not exercising. When she thinks she can’t get any lower, she decides to vanquish her unhealthy ways and get down to business so she can live a better life. One of the best moves Bridget made was to get a diary and start writing down her thoughts, achievements, and yes, some slip ups. None of us are perfect, but trying to take steps in the right direction are always a great idea.



Michelle Rodriguez plays a tough girl who has been thrown into a rough school where she discovers boxing. This movie shows how strong you can get when you take up boxing and how physically and mentally tough you get when you make fitness a priority in your life. Take a page from the lead character in this story and try your hand at boxing. The high-intensity workout will get your blood pumping and have you on the way to a healthier life.


Super Size Me

When  one man makes it his mission to eat nothing but McDonald’s menu items for a full month, his health seems to take a significant hit. Although most of us don’t eat fast food for every single meal, it still gives viewers an indication at how unhealthy this kind of food for our bodies.


The Karate Kid

This classic movie is about one young man’s quest to protect himself from a beautiful girl’s ex-boyfriend. A older man who works at the apartment the boy, Daniel LaRusso, lives in is actually a karate master who, besides teaching him how to wax cars, paint houses, and sands floors, teaches him the art of karate. While he’s doing all of this seemingly unrelated chores, Daniel is actually getting stronger and becoming a powerful karate student. Much like Daniel, whenever you work out, you may think to yourself that you aren’t actually making a difference in your overall health, but rest assured that you are improving your health with every positive step you make.

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